About Us

Penang Goldsmith Association formerly known as Ta Kam Hong, established in 1832, initially, the master craftsmen rented a house on Bishop Street in George Town to establish a guild. Subsequently, goldsmiths in collaboration raised funds and in 1904, they built the temple on Muntri Street in George Town, Penang.

Penang Goldsmith Association is one of the largest organizations in the Malaysian gold and silver jewellery Industry, and it is also one of the oldest associations in history.

During the 1960s, the association had a membership of up to 600 members, and currently there are about 200 active members.

George Town was jointly inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008, Ta Kam Hong is now classified as a Grade I historical site, covering an area of over 8,000 square feet. It is world’s only ancestral temple for goldsmiths and holds great historical value.

胡靖古庙-庇能打金行,创立于1832年,起初,师傅们先在乔治市的漆木街(Bishop Street)租房设立会所,随后打金同业们合力筹措资金,于1904年在槟城乔治市南华医院街(Muntri Street)兴建胡靖古庙。


